Clinical Hypnotherapist,  Cognitive Behaviour Practitioner,  Angelic Reiki Master Teacher,  Holistic Therapist

Services and Fees
With You Every Step of the Way
Your well being is Positive Therapies Yorkshire concern. A consultation is offered before any therapy commences. A full assessment of your needs is carried out and is your chance to ask any questions in a relaxed atmosphere over some refreshments. I am bound be a code of ethics as a therapist so you can rest assured that confidentiality is assured at all times unless certain criteria is reached which is listed in Christine's privacy policy.

Do you want ideas on how to feel relaxed and support with yourpregnancy. Hypno-birthing is the way forward. Using meditation and guided hypnotherapy for a more relaxing birth.
Group course - £180 for 6 hours.
Private 1 to 1 course in the comfort of your own home - £300

Smoking cessation
Here For You
WheDo you want to stop smoking? Have you tried everything? Why not give hypnotherapy a go. I have high success rates.
£150 for this life changing session!

Find your sparkle - Clinical Hypnotheraphy
If you feel you are struggling on a day to day basis with your emotions, heart beating, trouble sleeping, looking at the negative and self confidence at a low. Or maybe you just feel a fog has descended over you then I can help
You can feel in control again, feel good about yourself and look forward to the future.
Other issues I cover are pain control, exam stress, ocd, confidence, fertility, insomnia - please ask for further details.
£60 a session. Number of sessions needed varies.
Relaxation package - £45
Holistic help - Angelic Reiki - £35
Meditation - £35
Meditation group - £10
Weight management
Change your mindset around food and drink. Clearing away any emotional baggage to help you move towards your goal.
£275 for 1 to 1 sessions.
£75 extra for gastric band